Film Photography

A consistent passion I have had for the past many years has been film photography. I have loved getting to experiment with different lighting and composition to produce the most beautiful shots. I had the opportunity to study abroad in Rome, Italy in the of Summer 2023, and film photohraphy became a huge outlet for me to document my experience and capture the beauty I was seeing. I then furthered my travels this Spring of 2024, to London, England and Paris, France, and continued using film as a means to document my experiences. The following images are just some of my favorites from my collection of photography.

This photo depicts an image of a 20 year old boy with brown hair and a brown hoodie standing in front of the Big Ben in London, England.
This Image depicts the beautiful architecture of the small town of Crema, Italy. In the image you can see a large archway overlooking a cobblestone street below.
This image depicts a beuatiful angle of the world famous Duomo in Florence Italy. You can see the clay red tiles of the roof of the dome and the beautiful architecture with the stones building up to it.
A beautiful up angle shot of the famous Big Ben bell tower in London, England
This is a beautiful shot of a street in montmarte paris where the cobblestone street is rolling down the hill with beautiful muteed colored facade buildings going all the way down the hill
This image is from Montmarte Paris, looking up at the beautiful cathedral SacreCoeur. The sun is setting, so the golden yellow light is hitting so nicely on the beautiful white facade of the cathedral and the stone domes.
The image depicts a cafe on a corner of a cobblestone street in paris. The cafe has a bright red awning with a script logo. the street past it has many european style buildings.
This is a photo of a young man with brown hair standing in front of the tulieres garden in Paris, with the Eiffel Tower in the distance. He is wearing a green ralph lauren sweater with black sunglasses on.
This image depicts the many different rooftops in Rome Italy. In the distance you can see the famous St.Peter's Basillica in Vatican City
This image depicts the many different architecture styles of the Rome Rooftops in Italy with many Domes and angled tiles.
This image depicts an up angle shot of the Sacre Coeur Cathedral in Montmarte Paris, France. The Cathedral is made up of a series of Domes with an all white facade and gorgeous windows built in.
This image depicts a quaint pub in London, England, seemingly on a corner. The pub is a nice blue color and is called The Shipwrights Arms.
This is an image shot from a rooftop in Rome Italy, looking over some beautiful roftops and a very italian stone dome buildling.
This image depicts an upward shot of two beautiful italian buildings, one a very burnt orange tone with distinct windows througout, another perpendicular to the orange building, a bit of a cream color to it.